

博士照片. 安德烈亚斯•迈耶 Andreas H. 迈耶博士
Dr. 地中海地中海

Based on the recommendations from the AAMC we will continue with virtual interviews for our residency programs during the 2023/24 application cycle. 请 在这里 了解更多信息.

在上州医科大学, we strive to make our residency the preferred and most competitive academic 普通外科 training program within Central New York.

The 普通外科住院医师 program at SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 has its mission to "develop residents into well-rounded, compassionate and proficient surgeons by providing them with a comprehensive and nurturing learning environment". Our program is structured in a way that allows the individual trainee to choose either an academic career path or to be successful in private practice.

自2018年以来,我们项目的住院医师人数每年为6人. 这一增长是由RRC根据他们对我们教育计划的审查批准的.

I think this approval is a reflection of the significant effort by our department's leadership and faculty to make the residency an outstanding educational experience.

库尼博士, the chair of our Department and myself feel very strongly that a surgical residency program has to emphasize the 教育成分高于服务成分. We review our program every year looking at areas w在这里 we can further improve surgical education within the residency. We are very proud that our residents play a major role in directing and shaping the educational agenda. 年度轮换时间表, vacation approval and call schedule is under the control of the administrative chief residents. 住院医生根据教育经历的不同程度进行轮岗.

上州医科大学 is part of the much larger SUNY system; we are the only 一级创伤中心 in central New York and we were the first trauma center in the state of New York that achieved both adult and pediatric trauma center accreditation from the American College of Surgeons. Currently our institution has the largest trauma center in the state of New York based on treated adult and pediatric patients.

我们在锡拉丘兹市提供几乎所有的普外科培训经验.  任何居民都没有必要轮流离开他们的家或家人. 然而,对于选择在其他地方轮转的老年住院医生来说,机会确实存在. To add to the breadth of experience we are starting a PGY IV rotation at the Binghamton campus which is about 1 hour South of Syracuse. We also have potential elective rural opportunities with one of our graduates at Potsdam, NY.

Our program has the great advantage of utilizing each of four hospitals in Syracuse: 上州医科大学 Hospital, 锡拉丘兹退伍军人管理局医疗中心, 克劳斯医院, 和社区校园的上州立大学医院. This variety of work offers our residents a different experience including private practice in 普通外科, 结直肠外科和血管外科. 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 offers the tertiary care perspective and the VA offers the advantage of a resident led team approach to a wide variety of General, 胸血管病人.

Our department has undergone significant growth over the last few years and this trend continues. We have added additional faculty to all divisions within the surgery department and the process is ongoing. 社区医院的校园是外科快速扩张的场所.

北州最先进的技术 癌症中心 是国内最先进的癌症中心之一吗. Besides the top notch clinical care provided t在这里 it also opens avenues for basic and translational research for interested residents.

Even though our Department provides learning opportunities in nearly all surgical disciplines, 它仍然足够小,以允许教师和每个居民之间的良好指导. We strive to hire only faculty with strong interest or background in medical student and resident education. 我们的教师非常重视他们的教学职责. 我们的许多住院医师都获得了医学生的教学奖. I am proud to state that the surgical clerkship at our institution has had the highest ratings of ALL clerkships for almost all of the last few years (在COVID期间,我们排名第二...)!

我们了解你的个人生活,也了解你的工作. Each resident has a faculty advisor and we encourage all residents to meet with them on a quarterly basis. It is our goal to help each of you attain the career of your choice and be as great as you can possibly be. We are very proud of all our graduates and the fact that many of them have matched into highly competitive fellowships. 你可以看到我们毕业生的职业选择 在这里. Another sign that our graduates consider our program a success is the fact that many of them have returned to join our faculty as fellowship-trained attendings.

Our department continues to make great efforts to optimize the educational experience for our trainees. We have established curriculum and simulation committees, both with participation of residents. 请参阅我们的 说教式教育计划 了解更多详细信息. We have a senior resident as a wellness champion and organize wellness events throughout the year. 截至2023年3月,詹妮弗·斯坦格博士, a pediatric surgeon has taken on the role of Associate 项目负责人 for Wellness to further strengthen our efforts in this domain. She has participated in formal training for debriefing and how to develop a formal wellness curriculum. 这已经被纳入了我们周三的核心课程.

作为一个学术项目,我们鼓励学术活动. 我们不要求你请假去做研究,但我们会提供这样做的机会. 目前我们有三个基础科学 系内的研究实验室. 我们对与结果和质量相关的研究项目非常开放, 并且拥有多名在该领域具有专业知识的教师. 我们还为有特定研究兴趣的住院医师提供外部研究体验. 目前我们有一个 常驻研究实验室 在加拿大蒙特利尔的麦吉尔大学专注于儿科手术的结果. Our commitment to providing outstanding research opportunities has resulted in very successful matches into competitive fellowships. Two of our 2022 graduating chief residents started their 小儿外科手术 fellowships in August 2023, 哪个奖学金被认为是最具竞争力的奖学金之一.

让我就我们的社区说几句话. 我的家人在2012年搬到了这个地区, 然而, I have noticed that many of our faculty and physicians in private practice have lived 在这里 for many years and consider this area a great place to live. 租金和房地产都非常实惠和方便. 我们的一些居民在通勤距离很近的地方拥有自己的家, 其他人则在医院附近租公寓.

纽约市中心非常适合家庭居住. 当地的学区非常好. 这里的音乐和戏剧欣欣向荣. Syracuse University and LeMoyne College are close to downtown and they do attract a variety of rock bands. 附近的Turning Stone赌场和度假村几乎每周都有全国性的头条节目. 体育赛事也很容易获得. 我们镇上有职业棒球队和曲棍球队. 雪城大学有非常有竞争力的篮球队、足球队和长曲棍球队. 搬来这里的时候要准备好穿橙色衣服!

对于户外运动爱好者来说,附近有三个不错的滑雪场. 越野滑雪和雪鞋徒步都很方便. 该地区有数百英里的小径和乡村道路可供跑步, 徒步旅行, 自行车和山地自行车. 只要一个多小时就能到达安大略湖,圣. 劳伦斯航道. 阿迪朗达克山脉(Adirondack Mountains)离这里很近. 3小时可到达普莱西德湖.

纽约只有4-5个小时的车程. 波士顿大约5个小时,甚至蒙特利尔, 一个真正的国际城市大约需要5-6小时, 多伦多更近. 这些附近的城市中心也有很好的火车连接.

I am certain you can find both professional and personal satisfaction 在这里 with us at the 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学 外科. 我真的很期待见到你!

Andreas H Meier,医学博士. med med FACS FAAP
