Dr. 欧布莱特和病人在他的办公室.


You or a loved one has just had surgery resulting in an ostomy or are contemplating one. 也许你感到有点困惑和害怕, 我想知道你怎么能做到. 对癌症患者来说,造口术是一项挽救生命的手术, 憩室炎破裂, 或者任何肠道或膀胱疾病. It often improves life for patients with inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.

最终,它使患者能够继续享受正常的生活, 全方位的活动, 包括旅游, 体育, 家庭生活和工作. 造口术不是放弃生活的理由, 尽管存在造口袋,患者仍能过上充实而积极的生活. 生活将一如既往!

下面,你会发现关于造口护理的有用信息. 上州立大学医院有伤口鉴定, 造口术, and Continence Nurses (CWOCN's) who are Nurse Practitioners and are specially trained to assist all ostomy patients. 新造口患者住院期间将与造口护士密切合作. 这位护士会教你如何护理你的造口术, 确保你有你需要的补给, 为需要的物品开处方, 出院后再跟你联系.

Please call the Wound/造口术 Department directly if you have any questions at 315 464-6291.


Disease of or damage to the gastrointenstinal tract that requires surgical treatment can result in the body no longer being able to expel food waste through normal bowel movements. Under these circumstances an alternate path for bowel movements must be created so that food waste can be safely removed from the body. 造口术提供了另一种途径.

像这样, an ostomy is a surgically created opening on the front of the abdomen where a portion of the bowel is brought through to create a stoma or opening. 通过气孔, 废物被允许直接排出体外,进入附着的造口袋.

More information on the two types of ostomy that are associated with colorectal treatment is listed below. 




Always be prepared for the possibility that you may need to change your ostomy system at any time. 随身携带一个小旅行包,里面有一个小袋子, 晶圆片和其他你可能需要的东西.


在一般情况下, 做过造口手术的人没有饮食限制, 只要你好好咀嚼你的食物. 通过试错的过程, you will learn which foods may produce gas and odor and which foods to avoid or decrease. It's not a bad idea to take a daily multivitamin with minerals to avoid possible vitamin and mineral deficiencies. To stay properly hydrated you should drink at least eight to ten glasses of water or other fluids each day, 除非你的医生建议你限制饮水.


当你的体力恢复时,你就可以恢复正常的活动了, 包括工作, 在医生规定的适当的手术愈合时间之后. While at work you may choose to confide in your employer or co-workers that you have an ostomy. A letter from your doctor to your employer may be helpful should the employer have doubts about your physical capabilities. 如果你的工作涉及繁重的工作, check with your doctor about lifting restrictions; however, 许多做过造口手术的人都可以并且确实做过举重的工作, 比如消防员, 力学, 卡车司机, 和运动员.

如果你遇到就业或保险问题 美国造口联合协会(UOAA) 提供宣传支持和建议.


做造口术的人已经走遍了世界. Have a well-packed travel kit and when flying be sure to store it in your carry-on luggage. 至少带两倍于平常用量的补给品.


你可以使用或不使用腹部造口系统来洗澡或淋浴. 如果用它洗澡,只需在完成后拍干皮肤. When it is time for a change, you may want to prepare the ostomy wafer in advance of the shower. It is okay to bathe or shower even without the ostomy system on as exposure to air or contact with soap and water will not hurt or enter the stoma.


你仍然可以享受水上活动,如游泳、潜水和航海. 下面的建议可以帮助你减少对这些活动的担忧:

  • 下水前, empty your pouch making sure to empty it regularly throughout the course of the activity as needed
  • Consider "picture framing" (putting waterproof tape around all four sides of the wafer as if you were going to put it in a picture frame) to give an added level of security
  • Men with ostomies should be comfortable in regular swim trunks while women may find that tankinis work best and which also make it easier to empty the pouch; choosing a bathing suit made of a patterned material rather than one of a solid color will help camouflage the pouch


造口手术不应该对信任、完整的关系产生负面影响. 对自己身体的变化感到自我意识和敏感是正常的. 沟通和信任是治愈过程的核心. 与你的配偶或爱人分享你的感受是很重要的, 并回应他们的担忧. It is important to realize that it is possible for pelvic surgery to disrupt both the nerves and the vascular supply to the genitals. 除了, 其他治疗方法,比如放疗, 化疗, 或者药物可能会干扰性功能. 不要害怕和你的医生讨论这个问题, 如果需要的话,寻求专家或性顾问的建议.


  • 一定要先把袋子倒空
  • 戴一个小一点的眼袋,如闭合眼袋或口帽
  • 如果你或你的伴侣看到你的眼袋感到不安, 用特别设计的内衣盖住它, 内衣, or pouch covers - there are many sites online that sell specialty underwear for ostomies
  • 如果遇到干燥,女性可能需要使用润滑剂


Sometimes people with ostomies feel as if they have to have a bowel movement out of their rectum, 或者他们在那个区域感到充实. 如果你的直肠和肛门还在的话, this could be an accumulation of mucus within the rectum; you may even pass some mucus. The feeling of fullness and mucus drainage should eventually subside; you can wear a sanitary napkin to catch any mucus drainage in the meantime. 有时只是坐在马桶上,就好像排便一样有帮助.


When you leave the hospital you should have prescriptions for supplies as suggested by your ostomy nurse, 除非你被告知在以后的门诊访问中决定供应. As your stoma settles into a more permanent shape after the first four to six weeks after surgery, 你可能需要使用不同的造口设备.


造口术的费用由医疗保险B部分和医疗补助计划支付. 大多数私人保险都会为他们买单. 你需要打电话给保险公司了解一下你的保险范围. 告诉他们你是一个新的造口病人, 并询问他们是否有“首选提供者”提供造口术用品. 不同供应商的报销情况往往不同.

如果你的保险不要求你去一个特定的供应商, 联系你通常买处方的当地药房, 如果你喜欢的话. Pharmacies can usually order most of the supplies you need if you have a prescription, 或者你可以去当地的耐用医疗设备供应商那里.

If you don't have any insurance coverage for your ostomy supplies then the following options may help:

  • You may qualify for free supplies from one of the ostomy manufacturers (Convatec or Hollister). 联系你的造口护士申请. 通常这个申请表必须每三个月填写一次.
  • 货比三家! 打电话告诉他们你没有保险, 如果可能的话,要求折扣.
  • OstoGroup is a nonprofit organization that provides FREE ostomy supplies to the uninsured for the cost of shipping and handling, 或者他们可以帮你找到有很大折扣的产品.
  • Sometimes your ostomy nurse may have extra supplies on hand to tide you over until a permanent source can be found.


The most important ostomy support you can receive is that of your family and close friends. 不要害怕和他们谈论你的担忧. Be sure also to talk to your healthcare team (doctor and nurses), especially your ostomy nurse. 如果您遇到造口问题,请随时致电. 出院前, 与你的医生和造口护士谈谈是否需要家庭护理护士.


  • Schedule a follow-up visit with your ostomy nurse at the same time as your first post-operative visit with your physician.
  • It is recommended that you are seen every 6-8 weeks for the first 6 months after discharge, 然后每年重新测量一次你的气孔, 使供给保持在最新水平, 并观察任何养成的坏习惯.
  • Check with your insurance company before your visit to confirm coverage for ostomy outpatient care and to receive proper authorization.


Crouse Hospital 造口术 Support Group: Meets at 6:30 pm on the second Tuesday of every month. 更多信息请拨打(315)470-7300. There is also a newsletter that is mailed out every other month; call to be added to the mailing list.

St . J-pouch支援小组. 约瑟夫医院:每三个月开一次会. 更多信息请致电(315)448-5853.

